0203 195 3890

The Strength of a Confidence Women

Kim explores the seven characteristics of a woman with confidence, which include a woman who knows she is loved, who refuses to live in fear, and who does not live by comparisons. Kim explains that confidence stems from being positive in your actions and living honestly, but most importantly from having faith, in God and in ourselves.

So Ladies this Workshop is for:

• Those who want to overcome fear and failure and feel truly confident that you can overcome or achieve ANYTHING
• Those who want to regain their Confidence after an Abusive Relationship
• Those who want to feel brave and GO FOR IT
• Those who want to develop a believe that you can truly do and become ANYTHING you want
• Those who want to Develop a growth mindset, which is the No.1 core underlying belief that unlocks genuine confidence
• Those who want to take your power back and stop letting other people decide what you can and can’t do and how you feel about yourself


6 (+) delegates required for this workshop

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