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Five Tips on Becoming A Confident Woman

As with most traits, there are certain habits of confident women that you can apply to your life to boost your confidence and in turn increase the happiness you have within yourself.

1. Take Responsibility for Yourself

This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. That means taking ownership and being accountable for your own life.

If you don’t take responsibility you’re disempowering yourself. You may be self-sabotaging yourself by your words, thoughts and actions that effectively shift the responsibility elsewhere. You may not even realise it. However, you have the power to change that. Accepting responsibility for yourself is the key to moving forward with your life with more confidence.

2. Have Clear Goals and an Action Plan

A confident woman understands that while goals are important, they don’t mean anything unless you have an action plan in place to achieve them. It’s all well and good to sit here and say ‘my goal is to earn enough money so I can quit my job’, and that’s awesome. But unless you have a plan in place as to how you’re going to achieve it, your goal is nothing more than a dream. Goals, action plans and tracking are all areas a confident woman understands and uses well.

3. Look after Yourself

Self-care is super important for feeling more balanced. It’s easier to have compassion for others, but you need to treat yourself kindly if you want to feel better about life and become more confident – so don’t feel bad about booking in that manicure or a night out with friends, these are the things that all help on our journey to confidence!

4. Embrace Failure

Don’t be afraid to fail at something, instead, use that failure to see how you can improve next time. It’s a life lesson, not something to be ashamed of – and all confident women have definitely had their share of failure at some point in their lives.

5. Invest in a Life Coach/Mentor

While you can do a lot of work yourself on gaining self-esteem and confidence, most confident women don’t do it alone. Surround yourself with people you can learn from and feel inspired by. Whether that’s a boss at work, a group of positive friends or a life coach, find someone who will support you and help you grow. (go on…. take that first step toward being Confident and contact me!)

Well, the truth is “out of the bag.” No more excuses. No more wistful sighs, as you think about that successful person you met, or the woman you read about, who made a difference in this world by thinking outside of the box. Right here, right now, you have the formula to develop and create the new Confident and fabulous you!

Much love


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