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What is teen dating abuse?

Approximately 10% of teens nationwide have reportedly been verbally and physically abused by a boyfriend or a girlfriend during the past years. The trend seems to be growing exponentially every year among people with varying backgrounds of age, race, religion, financial status, sexual orientation and education. Exactly! Why you need to know how to prevent teen dating abuse before it starts.

Teen dating abuse is often associated with physical injuries. Still, before you start seeing bruises, other warning signs may be that the relationship is not healthy or safe. If these warning signs are mastered, we can begin teaching the basics of teen dating and also lay the groundwork for healthy relationships as an adult and undoubtedly creating a new norm in teen dating relationships for the next generation.

What is teen dating abuse?

Teen dating abuse is a pattern of controlling behaviour committed by someone in a date or close personal relationship. It may be emotional, physical or sexual, one to five teens said they had experienced some form of dating abuse and 19% of teens have had a boyfriend or girlfriend who always wanted to know where they were, control where they have to go, who they have to talk to under the siege of unconditional love, isn’t that teenage love? Many teens out there have had their boyfriends or girlfriends hit, slap or physically hurt them on purpose. The most absurd situation of teen dating abuse is that many teens have had their boyfriends or girlfriends pressure them to have sex when they don’t want to. While both girls and boys are reportedly victims of teen dating abuse, it’s much more common for girls to be victims of verbal or sexual abuse.

How would I know if my teen is in an unsafe relationship?

Most of the teens don’t complain about these abuses and always pretend not to be hurt. But here is how to know if your teen is in an unsafe relationship. Take notice of someone that’s exerting power over them in the following ways:

The abusive person may

· Show extreme jealousy or possessiveness,

· Constantly checking up on them or read their emails and text messages

· Isolating them from friends and families

· Repeatedly putting them down.

· Threatening or humiliating them in front of others

· Easily loses his temper, then blame your teen.

  • Sexually abuse her, which may range from unwanted sexual contact to rape.
  • Exhibit violent behaviours, such as hitting, punching and slapping, as well as stalking
  • Mostly doing things to control her actions and choices against her will.

What happens if teen dating abuse is not easily curtailed?

Often, the abused teen will: give up things important to them, such as friends, hobbies. They will show dramatic changes in weight or appearance, suffering lower grades in school, missing classes or have unexplained injuries.

I think my teen might be a victim of dating abuse, what can I do to help?

Tell your teen you are concerned about their safety, and you are there to listen. Let them know the abuse is not their fault and that abuse is never okay. Perhaps your teen is injured, go to the doctors and take necessary precautions. If your teen is in danger, report the abuse to the Police.

In conclusion, it is important that teens who have been victims of dating abuse or violence are more likely to be depressed or consider suicide, use drugs or alcohol. Occasionally bullying others or being victims of bullying, be sexually active or carry weapons but are less likely to have their lives turn down this road when they have support from their homes, schools, communities, and friends.

You can always help your teen by

· Helping them be successful at school,

· Giving them a voice in family decisions that affect them

· Acknowledging when they do a good job

· Helping them be involved in activities in and out of schools

· Encouraging them to volunteer in their communities

Talk to your teen about teen dating abuse today! Ensure you know the warning signs and let your teen know you’re there to help her live her life free of violence.

Much love

Kim x

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